Design, engineering and technology

Ancient Benin Study: Design the Head of an Oba
This resource is meant to be used by children in Key Stage 2 (English objectives pitched to Years 5 and 6) to investigate the history and significance of the commemorative heads made to honour the Oba of Ancient Benin.
Children will first read about the heads through differentiated articles, then investigate the symbolism of different commemorative heads. They will then design their own commemorative head before carving it out of a bar of soap and evaluating their design.
Lastly, children will write an explanation text about their commemorative head.
Sequence of Sessions:
Research Ancient Benin
Investigating different examples of art commissioned by Obas of Ancient Benin
Investigating the significance of animals in commemorative heads of Ancient Benin Obas
Design own Oba head
Carve own Oba head
Evaluate own Oba head
Features of an Explanation Text
Write an Explanation Text
There is also a digital file included for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw.

Ancient Benin Study: Create a Thumb Piano
This resource is meant to be used by children in Key Stage 2 (English objectives pitched to Years 5 and 6) to investigate instruments used by traditional societies in West Africa. After listening to music and investigating different instruments used and how they are designed and used, children will design their own thumb piano (mbira) before making it and evaluating it.
Alternatively, after researching different instruments from West Africa, children can choose to make a different one instead of a thumb piano. The design, make, and evaluate sheets have been made as generic as possible to allow for this.
A digital copy for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is provided with download.

Mission to Mars: Design a Mission Badge (e-Textile)
**Updated with new graphics
This 21-page resource has been designed as an introduction to a study of a Mission to Mars. Children will research different mission badges before designing, making, and evaluating their own.
This Outcome uses Lilypad e-textiles, but the same curriculum objectives can be covered with the use of littleBits, circuit stickers (Chibitronics) or with twinkle lights that have been cut and joined to copper tape and powered with a low-voltage battery.
Digital resources for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw available with download.

Valentines STEAM: Create a Box of Chocolates
In this resource, children will evaluate different chocolates before designing their own assorted chocolates and packaging for Valentine’s Day.
This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, editable rubrics, and sample recipes to support the learning process.
Lessons and objectives are aligned with objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England, with links to NGSS listed where appropriate.
A digital copy for editing and sharing on digital platforms is available with download.

Ancient Sumer: Design an Instrument
Children will participate in a short study of the importance of music in Ancient Sumer as well as the instruments used. Children will have opportunities to look at instruments uncovered by archaeologists studying the area and will learn about the science of sound before designing, making, and evaluating their own instruments.
All learning objectives are aligned with the 2014 National Curriculum of England.
This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, and editable rubrics to support with the learning process.
A digital copy for editing and sharing on digital platforms is provided with download.

Valentines STEAM: Make and Date a Monster (Textiles and Persuasive Writing)
In this resource, children will design a monster before stitching together a prototype and improving on it with a final design.
Children will also learn about the features of a persuasive text, including modal verbs and the use of Point, Evidence, Explain.
This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, writing frames, and scaffolding to support with the learning process. Lessons and objectives are aligned with the objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England.
A digital copy for editing and sharing on digital platforms is available with download.

Valentines STEAM: Interactive Candy Gram
In this resource, children will research different Valentine’s cards before creating one that uses a circuit, making it interactive. They will also taste test, prototype, design, make, and evaluate Valentine’s candies to include in their candy gram.
This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, templates, and scaffolds to support with the learning process.
Lessons and objectives are aligned with objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England.
A digital copy for editing and sharing on digital platforms is available with download.

Diet of a Conquistador - Science & DT Focus (Food Technology)
In this resource, children will diagnose the symptoms of a Conquistador who has scurvy through research of his symptoms. Once this is established, they will do a blind taste test of foods high in Vitamin C, and will create a menu of items that Conquistadors can eat to stave off scurvy on their trip to the New World.
This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, and editable rubrics to support with the learning process. Lessons and objectives are aligned with objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England.
A digital file for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is available by following the link provided with download.

Explain How the Eye Works with Diagrams
*Updated with new graphics
Children will participate in a science investigation about pupil dilation before doing a study of how light affects how we see.
Children will write an explanation text about how the eye works, including diagrams, with scaffolds provided.
This pack can be used alongside the pack for drawing an eye, which has an art focus as opposed to an English focus.
A digital copy of the pack is available for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw by following the link provided with download.

Survival Invention BUNDLE (STEAM with Explanation Text)
This 66-page resource has been designed to use alongside Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, but can also be done independently of the novel study.
Children will read about different survival inventions before building one and writing an explanation text about how they work. Alternatively, children can design, make, and evaluate their own survival invention before explaining how it works.
The pack includes different graphic organisers, resources for lower ability pupils, as well as lesson plans and rubrics.
Lessons and objectives are aligned with objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England and has links to the Common Core.
Digital copies of the files for editing and sharing on digital platforms are available with download.

Year 6 Maths: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING
UPDATED with new graphics and HANDS-ON application of fractions for DEEPER LEARNING
This resource has been made using the fractions, decimals and percentages objectives for Year 6 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England:
Use common factors to simplify fractions; use common multiples to express fractions in the same denomination
Compare and order fractions, including fractions > 1
Add and subtract fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers, using the concept of equivalent fractions
Multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form (¼ x ½ = ⅛)
Divide proper fractions by whole numbers ( ⅓ ÷ 2 = ⅙)
Associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents (0.375) for a simple fraction (⅜)
Identify the value of each digit in numbers given to three decimal places and multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 giving answers up to three decimal places
Multiply one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers
Use written division methods in cases where the answer has up to two decimal places
Solve problems which require answers to be rounded to specified degrees of accuracy
ADDITIONALLY there is a HANDS-ON FRACTION, DECIMAL, AND PERCENTAGE PRACTICE WITH FOOD for children to apply their understanding in context with energy bites.
The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.
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Year 6 Maths: Number and Place Value
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Year 6 Maths BUNDLE

Year 6 Maths: Ratio & Proportion *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING
UPDATED with new graphics and HANDS-ON application of ratio for DEEPER LEARNING.
This resource has been made using the ratio and proportion objectives for Year 6 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England:
Solve problems involving relative sizes of two quantities where missing values can be found by using integer multiplication and division facts
Solve problems involving the calculation of percentages (of measures, and such as 15% of 360) and the use of percentages for comparison
Solve problems involving similar shapes where the scale factor is known or can be found
Solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using knowledge of fractions and multiples
ADDITIONALLY there is a HANDS-ON RATIO & PROPORTION WITH FOOD for children to apply their understanding in context with cookies, pancakes, and pizza dough.
The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.
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Year 6 Maths: Number and Place Value
Year 6 Maths: Operations
Year 6 Maths: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
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Year 6 Maths BUNDLE

Teams & Athletes: Sports Equipment Design (Explanation Text and Persuasive Text BUNDLE)
Great to tie in with the 2018 Olympic Games!
Children will look at how sports equipment has changed over time before making a modification of their own.
Children will follow the DT process outlined in the 2014 National Curriculum of England, designing their own prototype, making their prototype, and then participating in peer- and self- evaluation of their prototype.
When finished the design process, there are also resources included for writing an explanation text (of how their sports equipment has changed over time or how their new sports equipment modifications will work); and writing a persuasive text including an advert about their product.
A link to digital files for editing and sharing on Google Classroom or Seesaw is available with download.
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Teams & Athletes: Design a Team Jersey (with Explanation Text)
Teams & Athletes: Design a Team Jersey (with Explanation Text)

Year 4 Maths: Fractions & Decimals
This resource has been made using the** fractions & decimals objectives for Year 4** from the 2014 National Curriculum of England:
Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions
Count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten
Solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number
Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
Recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths
Recognise and write decimal equivalents to ¼, ½, ¾
Find the effect of dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths
Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number
Compare number with the same number of decimal places up to two decimal places
Solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places
ADDITIONALLY there is HANDS-ON FRACTION AND DECIMAL PRACTICE WITH PIZZA for children to apply their understanding in context with calculating costs and measuring ingredients…
The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.

STEAM BUNDLE for Years 1 and 2
This resource is a BUNDLE (79 pages total) of the STEAM packs that I have put together for Key Stage 1, all following objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England.
Some are pulled from other thematic packs, while others are sold as stand alone packs in the Connecting Curriculum shops.
You can check out all resources offered in my catalogue here: Connecting Curriculum Catalogue
You might also like the packs sold separately:
Working Scientifically I can Statements for Years 1 & 2
Working Scientifically with Crayons for Years 1 & 2 - STEAM Unit
Working Scientifically with Slime for Years 1 & 2
Design Your Own Ice Cream STEAM

Hidden Worlds: Narrative Writing & STEM BUNDLE
This 66-page bundle includes two different resources where students will focus on hidden worlds:
Write a narrative text about using a portal key
Design a circuit for an interactive portal key with circuit stickers (STEM)
The pack includes different graphic organizers, resources for lower ability pupils, as well as lesson plans and rubrics.
All learning outcomes are aligned with the 2014 National Curriculum of England, and connections to the CCSS are noted, where appropriate.
Links to digital files for editing and sharing on digital platforms are provided in files with download.

Hatchet Novel Study with STEAM BUNDLE
This resource is designed to be used during Reading Workshop and is to be used with Hatchet by Gary Paulsen.
ABOUT THE NOVEL: Thirteen-year-old Brian Robeson is on his way to visit his father when the single-engine plane in which he is flying crashes. Suddenly, Brian finds himself alone in the Canadian wilderness with nothing but a tattered Windbreaker and the hatchet his mother gave him as a present—and the dreadful secret that has been tearing him apart since his parent’s divorce. But now Brian has no time for anger, self pity, or despair—it will take all his know-how and determination, and more courage than he knew he possessed, to survive.
**ABOUT THE RESOURCE: ** Designed in alignment with the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s reading objectives for Year 6, the pack includes: Chapter Summaries, Comprehension Questions, Digging Deeper Opportunities (includes character studies and plot studies), Creative Writing Tasks, and Non-Fiction Tasks related to content of the novel (porcupines, black bears, black flies, mosquitoes, bush planes, moose).
STEAM ADD-ON This pack also includes a STEAM activity for children to research different survival needs (shelter, food gathering, water collection) before designing a and making a prototype.
Resource is provided as a PDF but a digital copy of the pack is available for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw available with download.

The Lie Tree Novel Study + STEAM BUNDLE
This resource is designed to be used during Reading Workshop and is to be used with The Lie Tree Novel Study by Frances Hardinge with a STEAM extension about designing and making an adapted organism.
ABOUT THE NOVEL: Faith Sunderly leads a double life. To most people, she is reliable, dull, trustworthy—a proper young lady who knows her place as inferior to men—but inside, Faith is full of questions and curiosity, and she cannot resist a mystery: an unattended envelope, an unlocked door. She also knows secrets no one suspects her of knowing. For one, she knows that her family moved to the close-knit island of Vane because her famous scientist father was fleeing a reputation-destroying scandal. And when her father is discovered dead shortly thereafter, she knows that he was murdered.
In pursuit of justice and revenge, Faith hunts through her father’s possessions and discovers a strange tree. The tree bears fruit only when she whispers a lie to it, and when that fruit is eaten, it delivers a hidden truth. But while the tree might hold the key to her father’s murder, it could also lure his murderer directly to Faith.
**ABOUT THE RESOURCE: **Designed in alignment with the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s reading objectives for Year 6, the pack includes: Chapter Summaries, Comprehension Questions, Digging Deeper Opportunities (includes character studies and plot studies), Creative Writing Tasks, Non-Fiction Tasks related to content of the novel (fossils, sea caves, The Origin of the Species, mermaids), and a STEAM enrichment activity where children design, make, and evaluate their own adapted insect according to Key Stage 2 Science, Art and Design, and Design Technology objectives.
Resource is provided as a PDF but a digital copy of the pack is available for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw available with download.

The Skeleton Tree Novel Study with STEAM BUNDLE
This resource is designed to be used during Reading Workshop and is to be used with The Skeleton Tree by Iain Lawrence.
ABOUT THE NOVEL: Less than 48 hours after twelve-year-old Chris casts off on a trip to sail down the Alaskan coast with his uncle, their boat sinks. The only survivors are Chris and a boy named Frank, who hates Chris immediately. Chris and Frank have no radio, no flares, no food. Suddenly, they’ve got to find a way to forage, fish and scavenge supplies from the shore. Chris likes the company of a curious friendly raven more than he likes the prickly Frank. But the boys have to get along if they want to survive.
Because as the days get colder, and the salmon migration ends, survival will take more than sheer force of will. There in the wilderness of Kodiak, they discover a bond they didn’t expect, and through it, the compassion and teamwork that might truly be the path to rescue.
ABOUT THE RESOURCE: Designed in alignment with the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s reading objectives for Year 6, the pack includes: Chapter Summaries, Comprehension Questions, Digging Deeper Opportunities (includes character studies and plot studies), Creative Writing Tasks, and Non-Fiction Tasks related to content of the novel (tide, Alaska, northern lights, salmon, ravens, Marconi, wolves, Grizzly bears, tsunami, sailing).
**STEAM ADD-ON **This pack also includes a STEAM activity for children to research different survival needs (shelter, food gathering, water collection) before designing a and making a prototype.
Resource is provided as a PDF but a digital copy of the pack is available for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw available with download.

Pax Novel Study + STEAM BUNDLE
This updated resource is designed to be used during Reading Workshop and is to be used with Pax by Sara Pennypacker. It bundles Pax Novel Study with a STEAM pack about designing and making a marionette.
ABOUT THE NOVEL: From bestselling and award-winning author Sara Pennypacker comes a beautifully wrought, utterly compelling novel about the powerful relationship between a boy and his fox. Pax is destined to become a classic, beloved for generations to come.
Pax and Peter have been inseparable ever since Peter rescued him as a kit. But one day, the unimaginable happens: Peter’s dad enlists in the military and makes him return the fox to the wild. At his grandfather’s house, three hundred miles away from home, Peter knows he isn’t where he should be—with Pax. He strikes out on his own despite the encroaching war, spurred by love, loyalty, and grief, to be reunited with his fox.
Meanwhile Pax, steadfastly waiting for his boy, embarks on adventures and discoveries of his own. . . .
ABOUT THE RESOURCE: Designed in alignment with the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s reading objectives for Year 6, the pack includes: Chapter Summaries, Comprehension Questions, Digging Deeper Opportunities (includes character studies and plot studies), Creative Writing Tasks, Non-Fiction Tasks related to content of the novel (baseball, foxes, marionettes, coyotes), and STEAM enrichment activity where children investigate, design, make, and evaluate their own marionette according to Key Stage 2 Design Technology and Art and Design objectives.
Resource is provided as a PDF but a digital copy of the pack is available for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw available with download.